International scientists unite: SWMS at ASLO
By Anna WardWhat better place to meet up with fellow scientists supporting women in marine science than at an international conference? This past winter, that very opportunity presented itself. Over 50 SWMS members attended a meet up at the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)’s biennial Aquatic Sciences Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Attendees presented their research through oral talks, poster sessions, and workshops, but we made time for networking and socializing, too!We held a SWMS meeting during the conference to bring current and new members together. It started off with an introduction to the organization’s inception in 2014 at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution from two of its founding members, Dr. Sophie Chu and Dr. Bethanie Edwards. Alexa Sterling, who started the first SWMS chapter at the University of Rhode Island, brought everyone up to speed on SWMS's current goals and activities. Members discussed the diverse roles that SWMS plays in their communities and institutions. The organizers also solicited suggestions for directions in which to grow the SWMS network and to increase the impact of SWMS in the marine science field. Unlike chapter meetings and regional symposia, this international meeting allowed for cross-disciplinary discussion with members from all around the world.One of our members shared her experience about the meeting, saying, “The SWMS meet up helped me realize the full potential of a female support network, and further encouraged me to become more involved with SWMS.”
Following the more formal meeting, some members continued their conversations at a nearby restaurant. They fueled their networking and discussions about their experiences in marine science with appetizers sponsored by the SWMS Steering Committee, including fried plantains. There were many new friendships formed, job opportunities shared, old friendships re-connected, and advice given across career levels. The SWMS member pool includes undergraduates, grad students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty members, as well as people working in industry, non-profit, and government positions. This variety of perspectives allows for valuable discussions about marine science. Hannah Morrissette, one of the leaders of the Horn Point chapter, said, "I truly enjoy being the co-chair of the UMCES Horn Point Lab chapter… SWMS is an incredible organization that fosters a supportive and encouraging environment. This group of women will no doubt change the attitude and prevalence of female researchers.”
SWMS is an incredible organization that fosters a supportive and encouraging environment.
It was great seeing so many scientists at this SWMS meet up and hearing their stories, experiences, and ideas, as well as learning about current marine science research being pioneered by women. We look forward to future international conferences and SWMS meet ups! If you are interested in seeing a SWMS meet up at a conference you’re attending or if you are a SWMS member interested in facilitating a meet up, please email us at Dr. Sophie Chu and Alexa Sterling, M.A.